You know the saying that a messy desk is a happy desk? Well, this picture pretty much sums up how my desk looks the majority of the time. Actually, it's a little less messy than usual in this picture. And, what is on it varies depending on what I'm working on at the time. Here, I'm playing in my art journal with acrylic paints.
I almost always have a hot drink nearby. My current favorite is Earl Grey tea. Although, yesterday I bought a basket from a street vendor that must have been smoked because it smells exactly like Lapsang Souchong tea. The cat has been rubbing all over it and I'm craving Lapsang Souchong tea. My mother always says it smells like bacon. It has a very robust flavor that is just perfect for drinking all alone. No sweetener and no milk. I have yet to be able to find it in the Land of Tea even though it originates here, but I'm enjoying smelling my basket.
My original plan was to fill it with yarn scraps on my desk, but I'm debating on whether having my yarn smell like tea/smoke is a good idea.
What's your desk look like? Is it messy most of the time? Piled with an array of paints, crochet, knitting, embroidery, colored pencils and more? Or do you prefer to work from a clean and tidy desk?
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